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The Advertisement I produced fro the bands new album was again a minimal piece that reieved mainly praise for its lack of imagary and colour. Many of the people in my media class have given feedack saying that the poster is very clean and polished. It looks like a genuine album poster that you might see in a magazine ar around HMV. One person didnt like the border around it and suggested that it would look more minimal wothout, much like Arctic Monkeys suck it and see poster. A couple of people have also had the opinion that it may be too similar to other posters. I may be able to improve this with any future work by using more of a range for my inspiration so that it doesn't look too much like any one piece. Overall i think this got a majority of good praise but needs to be a bit more individual to other similar texts.


The digipak was the most praised of all the texts I produced. Mr Smith said that it was very professional and used all the conventions set in existing covers that are similar. An example given of this was in most other minimal digipaks there is use of a bold colour scheme and the cover often only depict either a picture or a little text but rarely both. Also a lot of people liked that i had used my ispiration well in creating a professional looking piece. Tommy, who i worked with, said that my digipak was maybe too basic and shouldn't have two blank panels on the inside of it. However this was contradicted when i asked for feedback in class and the majority liked the simplistic feel that my work had. Another class member suggested that all three pieces go well together but could do with a few finishing toouches in terms of placement.


My music video recieved much criticism for being quite unprofessional in comparison to the other texts. I think the reason for this is because of the setting and relaxed feel of the band. The digipak and poster are very clean and pricise. I also had people say that the video started to drag towards the end due to the lack of variety in shots etc. Mr Smith liked the simplified effect of just using shots of the band and thier instruments rather than decidimg to use alternative locations and actors. Other members of my media class said that they liked how the band had been dressed and that it related to what the target market were likely to wear. I also had a lot of people praise the use of text to overlay the screen which gave it a professionally editing feel. Similar was said about my framing of the second shot in the video using a video camera effect.






This is my work from the past term. I am reacting to the feedback I have recieved throughout the creation process in order to improve the product. I hope to get across what I have learnt and what could be improved still from what my target audience have said.

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